Saturday, July 25, 2020

Fortune, AKA Dramatically Mitigating Cheese

    As I've mentioned in the past, Zorn is a Pulp Horror setting. What's this mean exactly? Well, imagine if Indiana Jones was stripped of his plot armor and tossed into a jungle full of things that Man was never meant to see. For entertainment purposes, no one wants to see him outright killed (the players definitely not), but there needs to be strife, pain, complications, to prevent this all from getting stale.
    This why I'm adding Fortune. It's there to prevent (some) deaths, but at a cost. It's small, it's limited, it takes a long time (or further complications) to recharge. So without further ado, here's the first draft of my Fortune rules.

Gaining Fortune

    During character creation, a character rolls 2d6, this is their starting fortune. It recharges by one each session, up to a max of their starting roll. They can also recharge it during the session by introducing a complication to the session with their Flaws.

Using Fortune

    Fortune is used in two different ways. The first way is that the DM determines that something in the session itself requires some luck, he then has the players roll a Fortune Check. A Fortune Check is essentially like a normal attribute check of rolling a d20 and trying to get under your stat, the relevant stat is your Current Fortune (Unspent points).
    The second is on the player side of mechanics. Anytime a D20 roll is called (an attribute check, an attack roll, etc) a player can expend as many of their Fortune as they want, adding a bonus to that roll equivalent to the points expended.

In short, its a pretty simple system, but I'm hoping it allows the players to avoid certain death, maybe once per five sessions or so; much less if they actively introduce their Flaws.

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