Wednesday, October 27, 2021

G75 Challenge: Week Three of Zorn

 Week three was definitely one of the first major hurdles for me finishing this challenge, requiring an entire dungeon's worth of work. Anyways, here's what I got.

Week Four  Week Two  Week One  Zorn Hub Post

The Lost Temple of Azumen

Entrance: A trapdoor hidden in an old ransacked ruin.

Rooms (Exits) by level: 11 (4), 7 (4), 8 (3)

Themes (Budget): Nazi Tombraiders (4), Traps (4), Twisted Magic (5)


  1. Two Nazi Soldiers guard the entrance 
  2. The first room inside features two more Nazi Soldiers ransacking the place and a Nazi Officer leading them 
  3. A Nazi Soldier being controlled by a Brainmaggot wanders room three 
  4. One Brainstirge is lying in wait on the ceiling of room four 
  5. Two more Brainmaggot-Infested Soldiers with broken legs pathetically crawl around in room 7 
  6. A nest of 1d4+2 Brainstirges lay in the ceiling of room 8. 
  7. 1d4 Faceless Acolytes are doing strange rituals in room 12. 
  8. 1d4 Faceless Sacrifices limply exist in room 12.2. 
  9. 1d8 Faceless Hunters are caged up in room 12.3. 
  10. A Faceless Abomination (as gibbering mouther) is trapped in room 12.6 by a barred door and many strange magical seals on the door and walls. 
  11. A Faceless Priest blankly stares from his stone throne in room 13.

Features (5): 

  1. A hidden trapdoor covers most of the center of room 4, dropping anyone who passes over it 20’ down into room 7 before automatically resetting itself. 
  2. The door from room 8 to room 9 is held open by a small rock, if this rock is removed and the door is allowed to close the heavy stone door will be unable to open (from room 9).
  3.  Room 9 is covered in perpetually swinging axes every 5 feet, a rotting skeleton lays against the western wall of room, missing an arm and leg. 
  4. The southern wall of room 10 has a waterfall with a less than hidden alcove behind it, this alcove contains a metallic silvery sculpture that will react in a large explosion the second it comes into contact with water. 
  5. The door to the staircase in room 11 is blocked by a barred stone door, when the bar is lifted, a large hammer (inset in the ceiling) will swing from the right and possibly crush the openers against the western wall.

Wondrous Items (3): 

  1. Staff of Blood Magic held by the Faceless Priest in room 13 
  2. Peerless Scalpel laying around in room 12.2 
  3. Bag of runestones in the corner of room 12

Basic layout mapped in Paint.Net. T's indicate treasure... I honestly have no clue what I was indicating with the E's. Blue lines are ways up and down between floors, red are secret doors/pathways, and black are regular ones.


Unless otherwise noted, all rooms are dark.

P.S. I have no clue what horrible demon possessed me when I numbered these rooms but I'm not really in the mood to remake the map and renumber all the writing to fix it at this current stage.

        1. A dark and dusty entrance hall, old stonework makes up the walls while the floor is rough unpolished stone large open crates are scattered around the room. Two Nazi Soldiers are running around, looting various icons and statuettes off of their small, unadorned, pedestals. A Nazi Officer stands in the middle barking orders at them. To the northern wall, a section of it appears to have been pried open, revealing a room behind it. This room is lit by some torches on the wall that the soldiers have presumably lit.

        1.5. This hidden room behind the pried open wall reveals three empty chests, presumably looted by the nazi soldiers in the first room.

  2. This room seems relatively empty, a few crates lay on the dusty stone floor near the east door. Closer inspection of the dusty walls reveals that a variety of murals cover them. (Figure out what they depict later) pressing a certain part of the mural inward reveals the entrance to room 2.5. This room is also lit by torches on the walls, presumably lit by the soldiers.

2.5. The floor quickly devolves into dirt within this room, ancient mosses and mold have covered the walls, and an old well sits in the center of this room. Going down the well leads into room 9.1. Water slowly drips down from the ceiling and flows down the well.

3. This room is filled up to the ceiling in what seems to be crudely constructed crates, a small path exists between some of them (function as maze). All of the crates are filled with some kind of ancient pemmican, looking like some kind of disgusting mass of rotting flesh, it is impossible to discern what kind of meat is in there. Removing a crate from anywhere but the very top requires a luck save not to topple them all. Should they get toppled, the path inside is lost, anyone within 5 feet of the crate maze must make a dex save or take 2d6 damage, anyone inside the crate maze must make a dex save or take 4d6 damage, half on a success. After the pile has been toppled, no path exists and the party must spend 2d6 hours excavating the boxes to reach the other side or anyone trapped inside. A Nazi Soldier being controlled by a Brainmaggot wanders the crate maze. (maybe write some rules about squeezing or knocking boxes over in combat?) one deadend in the maze contains a loose crate with (Insert Treasure)

4. A large hexagonal room, a door in the center of each side, A single torch lies on the ground near the east side of the room, flickering out but still dimly lighting the room. Crossing through the center of the room causes the central trapdoor to open, dropping anyone standing on it into room 7 below, the drop is 20 feet and will deal 2d6 falling damage. Within a few minutes of entering the room, the Brainstirge lying in wait in the ceiling will swoop down and attack the nearest adventurer, after getting it’s fill, it will retreat to a small crack in the center of the ceiling where it came from.

4.1. This room is filled with old stone beds, an ancient stone desk lies in the far corner, covered in old writing, too degraded to read or understand, an ancient bottle of blood red ink sits next to the papers.

4.3. This room contains nothing but an intricately carved slab of basalt in the very center. The top is carved with a series of grooves in a similar shape to the human body. Following these grooves leads down the sides of the slabs and into small pinholes in the floor, these grooves are concealed with a very of much lighter art carvings around the slab, depicting scenes of a dragon made out of humanoid body parts (wings made out of masses of human arms, human face, etc) eating corpses. Some of the grooves and parts of the ground have faint specks of dried blood on them upon closer inspection. Plenty of various rusted metal instruments hang from the back wall, these once were finely honed blades of exotic shapes and purpose but have since rusted into uselessness.

4.5. This room opens up to a variety of small stone slabs, surrounded by rotting ancient mats and tapestries. Presumably these were once small shrines to pray at but they have long since been destroyed or removed.

4.7. A Large statue sits in the center of this room, It shows the human/dragon hybrid previously depicted in its full glory, upon closer inspection one of its eyes is glassy and wet looking, as if it might be alive. The other eye is missing. Hidden behind the very large statue is a staircase downwards leading to room #6

4.9. collapsed half room, not much of interest

6. Staircase leads to this room, the floor is a mural of a long stylized snake (think aztec), it winds around the room, starting from the staircase and leading to the opposite door in a very convoluted path. Stepping off the path triggers a poison dart trap

7. A large hexagonal room, the exact dimensions as the one above but with only two doors and a large hole in the ceiling (if the trapdoor trap in room #4 was triggered), much of the ceiling has degraded and much of it is covered in mold. On the floor, Two Brainmaggot-Infested Soldiers with broken legs pathetically crawl around and will attempt to kill the adventurers. 

8.  This room is full of old stone desks, some splattered with dried crimson. A large section of the northeast corner ceiling has cracked and a nest of 1d4+2 Brainstirges has settled there, they will quickly attack any adventurers who enter the room. The western door is held open by a small stone. If the stone is removed or the door is allowed to close, it will instantly lock. It (like most other doors in this dungeon) is very sturdy and will take 1d4 days of repeated beating to break down, unless the party has something built for breaking stone which will cut the time it takes by 75%, or some other way of bypassing the door.

9. More strange dragon murals on the floor, the trap will only activate if the eastern door (to room 7) is fully closed (swinging axe traps).

9.1. The room appears to have once been an altar room, but age and erosion has caused it to degrade and generate its own micro ecosystem, water from the ‘well’ above has formed a small pond around the original altar, moss and vines line the walls, and strange fish swim in the water below. Inspecting the water reveals that it is quite clear and drinkable, and there are 2d20 shiny silver coins at the bottom. (Come up with fish details)

10. What was once a decadent shrine here has decayed into more natural elements. A fountain in the back has busted and formed a waterfall down the western wall, the water has formed a small stream that flows into a crack in the wall towards room 9.1. Most of the room is barren or decayed, however inspecting the waterfall reveals that there is a small alcove behind it, containing a large silvery statue. If recovered, this heavy statue is worth about 400 silver pieces, however it is not made out of silver, but sodium. If no precautions are taken and it is dragged through the waterfall, then it will explode dealing 5d6 damage to everyone within 10 feet, or half on a successful dex save. If the statue is chopped up then the straight value of the metal alone is about 100 silver as sodium, or 200 if they can convince someone that it is silver.

11. A lavish room containing a variety of tapestries surrounding yet another strange statue. This time of some kind of human/hound hybrid. It’s human skull has been elongated to support a larger nose with gaping nostrils, its legs have been cut off at the knee and then given hands so that it can run and manipulate objects on all fours. Its mouth is wide open and its teeth are jagged and haphazardly pointed as it’s jaw was obviously not meant to support the elongation of its skull. Its entire pointed face is covered in what looks like dried blood. The door to the staircase is behind the tapestry that the dog/man statue is looking at. It’s a large stone door, barred shut with a heavy stone bar. Lifting up the bar triggers a hammer trap that is inset into the ceiling (visible if the party looks up/around). Triggering it forces a dex save or take 4d6 damage as the hammer hits you and throws you into the mouth of the dog statue at high speed.

12. Large octagonal room, ritual being done in center by 1d4 Faceless Acolytes, using a variety of chalk and a very rusty bucket containing what appears to be blood.  Loud chanting can be heard echoing from room 13. If lots of noise is made here, loud groaning and pounding can be heard from room 12.6, the door to which is currently carefully sealed and blockaded.

12.1. Ritual Ingredients storage, bag of runestones in here, various chalks, bucket of gross red liquid, etc

12.2. Four basalt altar slabs are placed around this room. The entirety of the floor is stained red with blood and each altar contains a Faceless Sacrifice. These creatures can do nothing but moan and squirm and appear to just be a mass of living flesh. There is a Peerless Scalpel lying in the bottom of a bucket of flesh near the door.

12.3. This room contains 10 locked cages, 1d8 of which contain living Faceless Hunters. These are the doglike creatures shown by the statue in room 11. They are mindlessly violent and will attempt to kill anything nearby if let loose. They make strange gurgling noises.

12.4. This Room is empty save for a very large vat inset into the floor. The stench is horrendous and the vat seems to be filled with some kind of flesh slurry. Any character that jumps in, screams in pain as they take 1d20 damage per turn. If they die, they awaken in 1d4 days as a Faceless Monstrosity. If they survive and manage to climb out, gain a level in the Abomination Class.

12.5. This Room is mostly barren, however most of the floor has given way and collapsed into a large pit. You cannot see the bottom, and dropping something into it will yield no sound. Treat this as a bottomless pit.

12.6. This room is blockaded against for good reason. The room is splattered with fresh blood, leaking out of a Faceless Monstrosity, a pile of living flesh, dangerous and insane. If it is killed and the room searched; a staff of blood magic can be found within the corpse of the monster.

13.  This room contains nothing but a very large stone throne in the very center. Sitting in the throne is a Faceless Priest, he is chanting very loudly and staring blankly forward. Approaching within 15ft of him causes him to attack. He is wearing the Eye of Azumen.

There are definitely gaps in some of the information here, but I figure I'll slowly refine that after I get everything down. So far, it is a usable-ish dungeon

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